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Taks 14: English Task

Here are the questions:
  • What is the title of the text?
  • How many characters are in story? (Mention!)
  • Who is the main character?
  • What problem or conflict does the main character experience?
  • What does the main character (or other characters) do to cause the problem?
  • What does the main character (or other characters) do to resolve the problem?
  • How are the characters affected by the incident or the experience?
  • How does the main character change in the end?
  • What can we learn from this story.
  • If you were in the position of the main character, what would you do?  

Here are the answers to the questions:

  • The title of the text is "The Wind and the Sun".
  • The characters are: the wind, the sun, a man.
  • There are two main characters: the wind and the sun.
  • The wind and the sun disagree about who is more powerful. 
  • The wind and the sun have a contest to see who can remove the man's jacket first to prove who is more powerful.
  • The wind tries to blow the jacket off with gusts of wind but fails. The sun then shines brightly and gently warms the man until he voluntarily takes his jacket off.
  • The wind is frustrated that he can't remove the man's jacket. The sun wins the contest.
  • There is no real change to the main characters. 
  • We learn that sometimes gentleness and warmth can achieve more than brute strength or force. 
  • If I were the sun, I would have done the same thing - shine brightly and warm things up gently instead of trying to use forceful power.
Here the Transcript:

The Wind and the Sun (A version of the tale by The wind and the sun are having a disagreement.  “I am the most powerful!” says the wind. “No, I am the most powerful!” says the sun. “I can blow trees to the ground!” brags the wind. “I can push ships across the ocean. I can make hurricanes and tornadoes!”  “Is that right?” replies the sun.  “Well, I can melt all the snow on the mountains.  I can dry up an entire lake. I can make a sidewalk so hot  that it cooks an egg!” Just then, they see a man walking  along the road in his winter jacket . “Let’s have a contest to see who  is more powerful,” says the wind. “Whoever can remove the man’s jacket first wins.”  The sun agrees. The wind goes first. He blows a gust of cold wind at the man.  The man shivers and zips up his jacket. “Brrr! What a cold and windy day!”  It starts to rain.  The wind blows even harder and  turns the rain into snow. “Well look at that! It’s snowing!” says the man.  “Snow wasn’t in the weather forecast today...”  He pulls his hood over his head. The wind blows his strongest gust towards the man, but the man’s jacket stays on.  "Hmm. It’s a bit fresh today…” he says.  “A winter storm must be coming..." He zips the jacket higher to cover his nose. “Gah! This is impossible,” says the wind. He stops blowing. “My turn!” says the sun.  First the sun shines enough to stop the snow. The man unzips his hood. Then the sun pulls the clouds apart  and gently shines down on the man. Suddenly, it is a beautiful spring day. “Wow. The weather sure is strange  around here!” says the man. He unzips his jacket.  The sun gently wiggles her fingers  and increases the temperature.  “What strange weather. Now it feels like summer!” the man says as he begins to sweat.  "Goodness me, it's so hot!"  He removes his winter jacket. He lies down on the grass for a  nap in the warm sun. "I win!" says the sun, beaming. 

Moral:  Sometimes warmth and gentleness can  achieve more than strength and force.

Here the Glossarium :

[1] wind (noun) : angin
[2] sun (noun) : matahari
[3] trees (noun) : pohon-pohon
[4] ships (noun) : kapal-kapal 
[5] mountains (noun) : gunung-gunung
[6] lake (noun) : danau
[7] sidewalk (noun) : trotoar 
[8] egg (noun) : telur
[9] jacket (noun) : jaket
[10] grass (noun) : rumput


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