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Daily Quest - Describing People Text Example with The Multiple-Choice Questions



Text Describing People :
John is a tall man in his early thirties. He has short, brown hair and striking blue eyes. He's often seen wearing a suit and tie, as he works in a corporate office. John is known for his friendly personality and always lends a helping hand to his colleagues. In his free time, he enjoys playing the guitar and volunteering at a local animal shelter.

Multiple-Choice Questions :
1. What color are John's eyes?
   a. Brown
   b. Blue
   c. Green
   d. Hazel

2. What is John's profession?
   a. Teacher
   b. Musician
   c. Lawyer
   d. Office worker

3. What does John enjoy doing in his free time?
   a. Playing the guitar
   b. Cooking
   c. Playing basketball
   d. Painting

4. How does John usually dress for work?
   a. T-shirt and jeans
   b. Suit and tie
   c. Casual shorts
   d. Lab coat


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